Monday 9 March 2020

                                                               ( Com. P.SURESH GENERAL SECRETARY R-4)

 The  36TH All India Conference of All India RMS  and MMS Employees Union, Mailguards and Multi Tasking Staff Group ’C’ was held from 24th to 27th  February 2020  at  Com. O.P.Gupta Nagar ( ex SG NFPTE  & GS R4)  Ambedkar Bhawan Rani Jhansi Road, Near Jhandewalan Metro Station, opp Megdoot Bhawan (CPMG) office, New Delhi . The Venue of the Conference was Named ‘Com. O.P.Gupta Nagar      ( ex SG NFPTE  & GS R4) Boarding halls Named Com. Jaganath I our ex R4 CS , Conference  Hall Named Com. Bhagwan Dss, ex GS R4.  Conference Stage  Named Com. Tarachand, Manch ex CS R4.  Dining Hall  Named Com. Jageram ex CHQ Treasurer R4.

      The Conference was historic in many aspects. A large number of delegates and visitors i.e. 650 paid delegates and nearly 700 Visitors/others attended the conference after long time this was the conference to draw such a large gathering. The conference was addressed by many senior trade union leaders. The conference held purposeful discussions on problems and took appropriate decisions.

     The Conference Commenced at 10.00 hrs on 24-02-2020 with the hoisting of National Flag by Com. R.N.Prashar, Secretary General, NFPE and Confederation, NFPE Flag hoisted by Com. K.K.Sharma  Vice-President NFPE,.  NFPE R4 Flag  hoisted by Com. I.P.Shaik  R4 All India President .Floral tributes were paid to martyrs who dedicated and laid their lives for the welfare of the working class, by various trade union leaders and Reception committee at the martyr’s  column.

    The house was informally constituted and the subject committee started its deliberations on 24-2-2020 at 11.00 hrs. it paid homage to departed dignitaries, leaders, members and others by observing two minutes silence afterwards, Com. I.P.Shaik President presented his presidential address to the conference. The General Secretary presented the draft biennial report to the house for consideration and approval. It was adopted by the conference after discussion. Later the audited accounts for the years 2017-18, 2018-19, which were presented by the Treasurer Com. K.K.Sharma  along with relevant Auditor’s Report were also adopted by the subject committee.

   The Open Session began at about 15.00 hrs. it was Presided over by Com I.P.Shaik , the President of our Union, Nitubha Surubha Parmar Chairman Reception Committee delivered his welcome address to the delegates of the Conference. under the leadership of Com. K.K.Sharma  Working Chairman, Com Raghubir Singh II General Secretary and their Team of  Reception Committee felicitated , honoured with shawls, Garlands and mementoes  to All Guests and Leaders. The Conference was Inaugurated by Com. Amarjit Kaur General Secretary AITUC New Delhi, in her inaugural address he dwelt upon the origin of India Post, its importance and the struggles of the postal staff and NDA Government   is implementing anti-people and anti-labour policies. Chief Guests Shri. Pradipta Kumar Bisoi. Secretary Department of Posts & Chairman Postal Board, Com. R.N.Parashar Secretary General NFPE , Confederation & General Secretary P3 NFPE, Shri. Pavan Kumar Singh Director MB, Com. T.Narasimhan VP AITUC and ex AGS R4, Com. J.A.Ghodke ex CHQ President, Com. D.M.Sonwane ex CHQ President, Com. N.R.Malivya ex CHQ President, Com. P.U.Khadse General Secretary RIII, Com. D.B.Mohanty General Secretary PIV, Com. S.B.Yadhav General Secretary Postal Accounts Asso, Com. L.Venkat Subbu General Secretary Admin, Com. A.Sreenivasa , VP NFPE, & CS R3 Karnataka, Com. K.K.Sharma  Vice-President NFPE, Com. P.Suresh General Secretary R IV, Ram Naryan Singh CS IP & ASP Asso , and other leaders attended addressed in the open session. Vote of thanks by Com. Raghubir Singh II General Secretary Reception Committee.

    The house was informally constituted second day and The subject committee started its deliberations on 25-2-2020 at 10.00 hrs. A discussion on staff problems, organization, Departmental Council/Regional Councils, NJCA , PJCA, NFPE, Confederation  programmes and Strikes, payment of quotas, 6th CPC Anomalies , and 7th CPC Issues, NSPC Hubs, First class mail Hubs, L-1 & L2 Problems, compassionate appointments,  MNOP, Task Force Recommendation, Transit Sections Problems, MMS Staff, Casual Labourers Problems and other related issues.  All the Circle Secretaries ,and  CHQ office bearers who attended the Conference spoke on the issues. and  many Delegates from various circles participated in the discussions. In the midst of the Subject Committee some circles R3 CHQ, Circle and Divisional Secretaries and R4 ex CHQ office bearers, Circle Secretaries addressed in our subject committee, delivered their oration and conveyed the Greetings.

 Subject committee/Central Trade Union Seminars began Seminar about ‘Trade Unionism’ and other Subjects by trade union leaders on the 24-2-2020. CHQ office bearers and Delegates participated in the discussions The conference continued upto 27-2-2020. the AIC discussed in depth the adverse development facing the Central Government employees in General and RMS & MMS employees in particular. The AIC discussed the prevailing economic policies of the country and their impact on the employees. Retrenchment has become the policy of the Government. RMS offices are already facing shortage of staff in all the 69 RMS Divisions in the country. OTA rates have not been revised for the last decades. On the other hand women employees are not spared in performing OT duty. Despite DGs order on not to inflict statutory punishment for not performing OT duty, the Heads of Divisions are imposing punishments on employees who are unable to perform OT duty for valid reasons. We have so many problems in normal functioning of RMS & MMS offices which are considered to be the basic and primary need as supply of working materials, furniture’s etc. are not made available timely and regularly causing problems to staff. In some cases the office building are located in a very unhygienic places. Building are shabby and dilapidated condition. Non- Payment of uniforms allowances .Non-filling of all vacant posts including promotional posts, Review the additional duties given to MTS cadre and modify the orders, more reduction of staffs, introductions of new schemes are going on.
    Then Com. P. Suresh our General Secretary spoke at length and gave detailed replies to all the issues raised by the Delegates, including those relating the 7th CPC his address was well received by the Delegates. At the end of his speech he proposed the ‘Policy and Programme resolution’ and other resolutions. All the resolutions were adopted unanimously. All the Amendments to the union constitution proposed by the CHQ were also adopted unanimously.

    The All India Conference places on record that the reception committee headed by Com. Nitubha Surubha Parmar Chairman Reception Committee and Com K.K.Sharma Working Chairman, Com. Raghubir Singh II General Secretary and their Team have made all arrangements amazingly, outstandingly and stupendously for the All India Conference.
   The AIC places its appreciations on record of the outgoing office bearers  Com. V.Babu, Vice President,  Com.  Goutam A More  Asst General Secretary, Com. R.Santhanam, Asst General Secretary,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Com. J.Sridhara, Asst General Secretary,  Com. Manabendra Singh, Asst. General Secretary, Com. G.V.Shinde Asst General Secretary,
      Finally, the List of New office –bearers with Com. I.P.Shaik as President Com. P.Suresh as General Secretary and K.K.Sharma as Treasurer was elected unanimously. The complete list of new office bearers has given elsewhere separately. The Conference concluded in jubilation.
    The CHQ in this connection, thanks the Reception Committee for its good arrangements, various leaders for their messages, delegates for their enthusiastic participation and all other, big and small, for their contribution in making this Conference such a Grand Success.

Next All India Conference to be held in Tamilnadu Circle  in the year 2022.

    The following office –bearers were elected unanimously  for the next session.

President                   Com. I.P.Shaik                       MTS    RMS ‘L’Division        ( Maharastara)
Vice-President    1    Com. Prem  Prakash II          MTS    Delhi Stg Division             ( Delhi)
Vice-President    2    Com. Sanjay Dhar Dubey     MTS    RMS ‘A’ Division Varanasi   (Uttar Pradesh)
Vice-President    3    Com. R.K.Pagi                       MTS    RMS ‘W’ Division Vadodara            (Gujarat)

General Secretary    Com. P. Suresh                     HMG     Hyd Sorting Division     ( Telangana)

Assistant General  1 Com. C.M.Ravindernath      MTS    RMS ‘CT’ Division           ( Kerala)
Secretaries.            2 Com. Shri. K. Muktar Ahmed  MG   RMS ‘Z’ Division Hyd           (Telangana)
                     3 Com. B.Paranthaman           MTS    Chennai Sorting Division   
                     4 Com. S.Lakshmi Naryana     MTS    ‘Banglore Stg’ Division  ( Karnataka)
                     5 Com. A.K.Srivatsav              MTS    RMS ‘MP’ Division  Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh)
                     6 Com. R.M.Bhivsane             MTS    RMS Cent Division Mumbai ( Maharastra)
                     7 Com. Vacant                                                                      (West Bengal)
                     8 Com. T.Kannaiah                  MG      RMS ‘TP’ Division Tirupathi           ( Andhra Pradesh)
                     9 Com. Rajender Singh             SS     MMS Delhi                             ( Delhi)

Treasurer      Com . K.K.Sharma                MTS    Air Mail Division                    ( Delhi)
Mahila Committee.

Chairman       Com. M.N.Pharte                          MTS    RMS ‘B’ Division  Pune              (Maharastra)
Convener      Com. B.C.Chandra Kala               MG     RMS ‘Q’ Division  Mysore   (Karnataka)
            Members       1. Com. Anjali Wala                       MTS    Jallandar RMS         ( Punjab)
                                   2. Com. Parmela Bashpur            MTS    RMS ‘GH’ Division     ( Assam)
                       3. Com. R.P.Kale                            MTS    RMS ‘B’ Division  Pune       (Maharastra)
                       4. Com. Basanthi Chakraborty     MTS    RMS’H’ Division Sealdha    (West Bengal)
                       5. Com. N.V.Kamble                       MTS    RMS ‘B’ Division  Pune       (Maharastra)
                       6. Com. A.Jayanthi                        MTS    RMS ‘Chennai Stg’ Division (Tamilnadu)
Federal Councillors

            1          Com.   Mukta Das                           MTS    RMS ‘GH’ Division  ( Assam)
            2          Com.   Jai Singh                             MTS    RMS ‘ D’ Division                   (Haryana)
            3          Com.   Bidyadhar Nayak                MTS    RMS’N’ Division    ( Odisha)
            4          Com.   Subhash Chander               MTS    Ludiana RMS          ( Punjab)     
            5          Com.   Rajender Kumar                  MTS    `Jaipur  RMS           ( Rajasthan )
            6          Com.   Sumran Lal Bandewar        MTS    Raipur  RMS          ( Chattisgarh)
            7          Com.   Rabindra Prasad                 MTS    Patna RMS              ( Bihar )
            8          Com.   Ramashray Sing                  MTS    RN Division  BS Stg        ( Jharkhand)
            9          Com.   Jithender Tokas                   MTS    Delhi Sorting Division           ( Delhi)
            10        Com.   Raj Kumar                            MTS    New Delhi Sorting Division   ( Delhi)
            11        Com.   S.S.Nagine                            MTS    RMS ‘B’ Division       ( Maharastra)
            12.       Com.   A.N.Srinivas                         MTS    Hyderabad AirSorting    ( Telangana)
            13.       Com.   G.A.Anantha Ramu              MTS    RMS ‘BG Stg’ Division    ( Karnataka)
            14.       Com.   T.P.Ramesh                           MTS    RMS ‘T’ Division Tirchy    ( Tamilnadu)
            15.       Com.   G.S.Sastry                             MG      Hyderabad Sorting           ( Telangana)
            16.       Com.   Parmanand II                        MTS    Air Mail Sorting Division   ( Delhi)
            17.       Com.   R.S.Suresh Kumar               MG      RMS ‘TV’ Division TVM       ( Kerala)
            18.       Com.   R.M.Sakhre                           MTS    RMS ‘F’ Division              ( Maharastra)
            19.       Com.   P.Durga Rao                         MTS    RMS ‘Y’ Division Vijayawada (                                                                                                             AndhraPradesh)
            20.       Com.   D.K.Jha                                  MTS    RMS ‘NB’ Division         ( Bihar)

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