Tuesday, 16 June 2015

NFPE                                                                                                 NFPE

Central Head Quarters, NEW DELHI

PRESIDENT: COM.C.C.PILLAI                                        web site :aipcpccwf.blogspot.in                                                                        
WORKING PRESIDENT: Com. Y.NAGABHUSHANAM                                                           GENERAL SECRETARY: COM. P. MOHAN                       email: yn.krishna@yahoo.in
No. aipcpccwf/wages/6                                                                                                     Dt. 12-6-2015

NEW DELHI 110 001
                             Sub- request for orders for implementation of DG Post orders on payment                                                                                                                                    of revised wages to ptcl/ftcl- reg

                              Ref :-  1. DG POST LR.NO. 2-53/2011-PCC DT. 22-1-2015& 16-5-2015

Respected Madam,
                                          we convey our sincere thanks to respected madam for immediate response to our strike notice and issuing orders for implementation of orders on revision of casual labor wages immediately.
                                in spite of this orders are not implemented in many circles/divisions. It was brought to the notice of this union that even in many circles/divisions new wages were not drawn till this month. As already 5 months passed after orders issued by Directorate. In this connection we would like to bring to the notice of kind SECRETARY that even though the orders are very clear on the subject unwanted clarifications are raised only with an intention of not implementing the orders on one plea or other.

It is learnt that some clarifications are seeking by some authorities.

We would like to bring to the notice of SECRETARY the following orders of DG POST which will solve many issues.

1.      As per DG POST orders 55-24/88-spb-1 Dt. 17-3-1989 all the following officials are casual labor.
“it is here by clarified that all daily wagers working in post offices or in RMS offices or in administrative Offices, PSD/MMS under different designations Mazdoor, casual laborers, contingent paid daily wager, daily rated mazdoor.
 These casual laborers who are engaged for a period of 8 hrs a day should be described as full time casual labor, who are engaged less than 8 hrs a day should be described as part time casual labor.
All other designations should be discontinued.”
                            No further orders are required for clarification. But unfortunately this was totally ignored and time and again seeking clarifications on the subject.

2.      Another point is being raised by some stating that vide DG POST orders 4-4/2009-PCC DT 19TH NOVEMBER 2010 all ptcl are dispensed. In this connection we would like to bring to the notice that the intention of the order is that as the duties of these categories are entrusted to MTS it was stated to entrust this work to MTS by dispensing this cadre. But subsequently the same is being clarified very clearly that the existing staff need not be dispensed with. It is clarified that the intention of the orders is that no contingent or casual labor be appointed after 1-12-2010.

3.      Accordingly no ptcl was dispensed. But unfortunately new ptcl are being engaged freely by the authorities without following the guidelines. In spite of our complaints no action was taken against those who violated the orders and engaged new casual labor according to their whims and fancies. For the fault of them poor ptcl working should not be punished by not paying revised wages.

4.      Till date according to the information available with our union nearly number of ptcl are working in the circle against sanctioned PTP posts. Other than this number of ftcl are engaged against MTS posts in RMS and MTS/ POST MAN posts in post offices.

5.       Even though there are clear orders no uniform payment is implementing in the CIRCLES/Divisions. Payment is made according to their will in some divisions. All the above mentioned ptcl are being paid wages as per 5th pay commission fixed wages.                                                                                 They are to be paid as per 6th pay commission wages revised & fixed as directed by directorate in their order mentioned above. There is no confusion or ambiguity in the orders.

6.      This inaction towards low paid employees who are playing key role in the main programme of present govt.“SWACH BHARAT”is nothing but depriving their legitimate wages. Without their sincere participation any publicity by authorities by involving in their duties on one day will not made our country “SWACH BHARAT” and the dream of present GOVT. will never fulfill.

                                                    ---  3   ---

7.      As all the two categories are working against sanctioned posts as per our knowledge no separate budget is required for payment of arrears as they will come under the head” pay and allowances”. In many circles arrears are not  paid on the plea of non availability of budget..

                               This non implementation is resulting in frustration and mounting unrest                                                                           
   among those officials which may blast at any time. 
                           As such kind SECRETARY is requested to intervene immediately and solve the issue by issuing clear instructions to all to implement the Directorate orders immediately by revising the salaries immediately and paying arrears at least by 30th July.

                            With a hope of immediate intervention we are wring this letter. If anything wrong in our letter we may be excused.

                                                  Thanking you Madam,


                                                                                                              Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                   [P. MOHAN]
                                                                                                          GENERAL SECRETARY.

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