Saturday 27 December 2014

Memorandum was submitted to Honorable Minister of labor, Govt. of India Sri. BANDARU DATTATREYA on 26-12-2014 and the same was forwarded to SECRETARY, DEPT. OF POST BY HIM ON THE SAME DAY. We convey our sincere thanks to the Minister.

NFPE                                                                             NFPE                 



PRESIDENT:                                                       WORKING PRESIDENT
Com. C.C. PILLAI                                            Com. Y.NAGABHUSHANAM

                                                                                              Date- 27.12.2014

Memorandum Submitted to sri. BANDARU DATTATREYA,HON’BLE

MINISTER OF LABOUR, GOVT. OF INDIA ON wage structure of casual

contingent employees and their regularization.

                 We the all India federation casual, contingent part time and contract workers working in Dept. of posts for favorable consideration of the minister.
                      The system of engaging casual laborers is in existence in the Dept. of post even from undivided  P&T Dept. casual labour are engaged against group’d’/ postman vacencies since 1980 but they are not being considered for regularization.

                NFPTE filed writ petition No302 of 1986 on 5-2-86 in the manner of MANDAMUS to the Union of India to direct it to pay to the petitioners same salary and allowances and other benefits as are being paid to the regular and permanent employees in the corresponding cadre and to direct the Union of India to regularizes the service of casual labor who had been continuous service more than 6 months.

The Apex Court delivered the Judgment on 27-7-1987 which directed the Government as follows :-

Direction (1). The petitioners are entitled for the wages rates equal to the minimum pay in the pay scale of the regular employees and workers in the corresponding cadre including DA & ADA if any and other benefits which are being enjoying on the date of the Judgment.
Direction (2). Directed  the department to prepare scheme on a rational basis for absorbing as far as possible those who have been continuously working for more than one year Within eight months of the date of Judgment.

   Basing on these Judgments some orders were issued by the department.

They are- 
(1)   DOP no 14/8/88-PAP dated 15-6-1987.
This order allowed paid w/off if a casual labor performed duties for 6 days.

2- DOP no 2-10/88-PE dated 19-2-88 directing the authorities to create posts wherever feasable  and complete the process of absorption by 31-5-1988

3- DOP No 17-141/88-EDC & trg. dated 6-6-88 in these orders instruction issued for considering casual labors against group D/ EDA posts. In spite of all these orders same are not  being implemented at lower level and number of quires were  raised as mentioned below.

A.                        4.Who should be treated as casual  labor

B.                     5.       Whether casual labor engaged through employment exchange are to be absorbed or all casual labors are to be absorbed .

these were clarified by the department vide its No 55-24/88 –SPB1 dated 17-3-89 This order clarified that all the casual workers working with different names in all the offices should be treated as casual labor only with two different names i.e. part time casual labor and full time casual labor.

Further clarification was issued on 16-9-92 vide lr. no.45-14/92 –SPB 1-directing the authorities to consider the PTCLs working for five hours and more should be made PTCL by re-adjusting on combination of duties wherever possible. In the same order it was clearly mentioned that in future no fresh CL should be engaged.

Dept. of post issued orders called as grant of temporary status and regularization scheme wef. 29-11-89 according to which CL on the roles of the Dept as on 29-11-89 was continued to employed for 240 days in a year would be conferred by the temporary status.  This was further extended up to 1-9-93.

In spite of various orders mentioned above lower level authorities did not concentrate on this issue and casual labor system was continued as it is and engagement of new CL and contingent without following the rules and orders.
Again in the years 2006 orders were issued by DOPT vide its memo no. 49019/1/2006-EStt.dated 11 Dec.2006 for regularization  of casual labors who were recruited  in irregular manner also basing on the Supreme Court Judgment in Civil Appeal No 3595,3612/1999 dated 10-4-2006. But the same was neither circulated nor implemented by the dept. of posts.

Even CAT HYD. in OA no 388 of 1998 directed the Dept. to grant the temp. status to PTCL also but the same was not implemented and opposed by the Dept. and filed wp No 17048 of 2000 in AP High Court . Hon'ble High Court dismissed the petition confirming  the orders of the CAT on 7-9-2010 . again dept. approached Hon'ble Supreme Court by filing SLP which was dismissed by the Apex Court . After this much of long struggle for 15 years the Hon'ble CAT judgment was implemented for only those who approached that too particularly prospectively but not retrospectively.

This is the situation prevailing in the dept of post in respect of casual labors. Even today Number of casual labours working from 1980 are still awaiting  for their absorption.

After implementation of 6th C.P.C. to the regular employees  they have been denied of revised wages even till today on one plea or other. The benefits which have been enjoyed by the down trodden section which are given because of the Judgment given by Apex Court on 27-7-1987 were withdrawn one by one.

           They are:-

1.                                                                                               *Paid w/o was withdrawn on the plea of Audit objection
3.                                                                                               *They have been denied temporary status
3.                         *They have been denied identity cards which are essential to                them for performing duties.

4.                                         *They have been denied arrears of revised wages / DA from 1-1-                             2006

5.                                     *  Wages were not revised on par with regular employees w. e.f. 1-                            1-2006

6.                                     * They are not being paid DA for the last three years.

7.                                      Up to implementation of fifth C.P.C. recommendation payment of HRA & CCA was drawn with arrears but subsequently this was withdrawn against which Hon'ble CAT Chennai delivered Judgment to pay HRA&CCA ,the same was ratified by Hon'ble High court also but by amending the rules dept. did not implement the Judgment and HRA&CCA and permanently withdrawn by issuing clarificatory order.

Keeping in view all the above HON’BLE MINISTER is requested to examin the situation prevailing in respect of casual labor in the dept. and direct the Department to settle the issue early.

i.                   Immediate payment of revised wages from 1-1-2006 along with arrears irrespective of date of entry in the dept. which was quashed  by the Apex Court in 1987

ii.                All the CL either full time or part time may be granted paid w/o,POH Including national holidays.

iii.             All the part time contingent posts may be converted as GDS posts and the present incumbents working in that posts may be upgraded as GDS

iv.              All other PTCL may be regularized by issuing appointment orders so that they will get job security

v.                 All the PTCL may be absorbed against MTS/GDS vacancies by implementing AP High Court Judgment in W.P. no 17048 of 2000 dated 7-9-2010

       vi.      The following modifications may be made in the latest MTS recruitment rules
  1.  Against 25% out side quota priority may be given to eligible casual labors.
 2.  The condition of prior to 1993 in respect of PTCL may be remove keeping in view AP High Court Judgment

vi.              PTCL may be considered against GDS vacancies by reiterating the DG posts order no 17-141/88-EDC&TRG dated 6th June 88.

vii.           casual labour engaged against postmen vacancies may be allowed to write examination for departmental vacancies.

                We hope that minister will intervene and settle the issue by issuing instructions to the department to implement various orders issued time to time.

                                                       Thanking you sir,

                                                                                                           Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                            [P. MOHAN]

                                                                                             GENERAL SECRETARY.

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