Thursday, 18 September 2014

   After the formation of union for casual labour with the support of  NFPE, because of  the pressure by NFPE and our union department appointed a committee on the issues of casual labour with Manojit kumar the then CPMG Assam circle as chairmen. After the submission of report by the committee, again a committee was appointed with Sri. Viswapawan pathi the then PMG of Hyderabad as chairman to suggest the modalities to implement the Assam CPMG committee report. Even though we are insisting to implement the DOPT order issued in July 2006 basing on the Judgment of Honorable Supreme court in Umadevi Vs Government of Karnataka. Department is reluctant in issuing orders .
            The report submitted by PMG Hyderabad was sent to DOPT for approval which contains some modalities  to regularize  the casual labour and suggestions on wage revision. But DOPT returned the file asking the department why the orders of DOPT issued in July 2006 were not implemented.
            At this stage Department issued orders to implement the DOPT orders recently. But till date these orders are not implemented seriously in many circles. We have to build pressure at circle/Division level for implementation of these  orders . If these orders are implemented at least some FTCL/PTCL who are working against a single post for 10 years as  on 31st July 2006  will be regularized even though they are recruited irregularly.
            In the mean time our Kerala circle went to Honorable  CAT for revision of wages of casual labour. Recently judgment was delivered but kept reserved . it will come out very soon.As a protest against this abnormal delay and tossing the files from one department to other one day Dharna was organized by NFPE on 12th august at Jantar-Mantar  Newdelhi. All  general secretaries of NFPE participated in Dharna .
            Inspite of all these efforts the issue of regularization and revision of wages is not settled in R/o casual labour. Taking this seriously postal JCA decided to organize programme  throughout the country commencing with Dharna before all divisional officers on 24th September 2014. In the charter of demands the issue of casual labour was taken as item No 2 which shows the importance given to it  by postal JCA. The programme will end with INDEFINITE STRIKE in December after conducting  MARCH TO PARLIAMENT  in November. The dates will be announced later. After submitting this memorandum department informed to NFPE that the casual labour issue will be settled within one month.
            To settle all these issues there is no other way except to mobilize workers and organizing them to make the postal JCA programme success. Unless casual labour union is formed in all circles/divisions it will be very difficult to organize them. NFPE issued circular with a direction to all NFPE affiliated circle unions to take this issue seriously and form casual labour union in all circles with in three months. We appeal to all circle secretaries of NFPE unions to take it seriously and form the casual labour union in there circles so that the unity among the workers will strengthen in future.
                                    NFPE Zindabad
                                    AIPC PCC WF Zindabad
                                                                                                            Y. Nagabhushanam 
                                                                                                            Working President

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