Wednesday 1 August 2012

NEW DELHI-110001

No. PF-01(e)/2012                                                                             DATED 31.07.2012

All General Secretaries / NFPE office bearers /All All India office bearers of affiliated unions all Circle/Divisional /Branch Secretaries

At the call of the Confederation of CG Employees and Workers, more than 20,000 employees and workers of various organisations of Central Government marched in the rally before Parliament on 26thJuly, 2012. Thousands and thousands of employees surged into the national capital to take part in the March to Parliament demanding implementation of 15 Point Charter of Demands including immediate formation of 7th CPC to revise the wage structure of Central Government Employees once in five years with the revision with effect from 1.1.2011; Merger of 50% DA with the basic pay for all purposes as was done from 1.1.2004 based on the recommendations of IV CPC; Revision of wages of three lakhs of Grameen Dak Sevaks of Postal Department through the 7th CPC itself; Regularisation of both GDS and Casual labourers through formation of appropriate schemes of regularisation; Ending the discrimination in grant of  Compassionate appointments between Railways and other CG Departments; Scrapping PFRDA Bill; Grant of five promotions in the career of an employee etc.
The response to the call of the Confederation for the rally before Parliament was so intense that employees from all States and belonging to all affiliates of Confederation in thousands reached the Jantar Mantar venue of the beginning point of the rally even before the scheduled time of start of the Rally. Later with all leaders of Confederation and its affiliates leading the rally under the banner of Confederation at the head of the procession, the rally reached the designated spot.
Veteran Parliament Members Comrade Basudev Acharya; Comrade Tapen Sen and AITUC All India Leader Comrade Amarjit Kaur addressed the rally. The rally was presided over by the President Comrade S.K.Vyas. The rally was addressed by Comrades K.Ragavendran Working President of Confederation; M.Krishnan Secretary General of NFPE; and several other leaders.
Comrade K.K.N.Kutty Secretary General of Confederation declared the decisions of the national secretariat that if within three months the demands are not accepted by the Central Government and 7thCPC not constituted, the entirety of CG Employees under the Confederation will launch an all India Strike on 12th December, 2012. Other decisions of the Secretariat about holding of State level Conventions and District level Conventions as well as holding of Mass Dharnas and Mass Rallies to Raj Bhawans /Chief Ministers etc to submit memorandum before the Strike etc were also pointed out by the Secretary General in his address.
A Memorandum to the Honourable Prime Minister of India with the explanatory note on all the items of 15 Points of Charter will be submitted to the Prime Minister by the delegation of the Confederation along with the senior Parliamentarian Comrade Basudev Acharya. The full text of the Memorandum can be obtained from the website of Confederation.
NFPE organisations from several circles including from the distant circles like Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andhra, Assam and NE, West Bengal, Maharashtra as well as from many other circles surrounding Delhi like U.P, Bihar, Jharkhand, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal, Rajasthan, Gujarat, M.P etc representing all affiliates of NFPE constituted the major contingent of the Confederation rally. The participation of thousands of regular employees as well as Grameen Dak Sewaks under the banner of the newly formed GDS [NFPE] Union including casual workers under the banner of Casual Labour Union ensured the role of NFPE as a major constituent of Confederation. NFPE congratulates all the leaders who took serious attempts to mobilize our rank and file in large numbers to the rally and calls upon the leadership at all levels to take up this task of organising for the intended strike on 12th December very seriously, keeping in mind that the role of the Postal Organisations is very vital  in converting the call of the Confederation a huge success.
NFPE All India Convention on 26th July
After the rally was over, a national convention of NFPE was organised at Dr.Ambedkar Bhawan in the afternoon of 26th July. The All India Convention was presided over by Comrade K.V.Sridharan Ex-General Secretary P3 and addressed by  large number of leaders including the General Secretaries of different affiliates of NFPE and other All India leaders. The Convention was addressed by Comrades M.Krishnan [Secretary General]; B.G.Tamhankar [Ex-President NFPE]; R.Sivanarayana [General Secretary P3]; Ishwar Singh Dabas [General Secretary P4]; Giriraj Singh [General Secretary R3]; P.Suresh [General Secretary R4]; Pranab Bhattacharjee [General Secretary Admn]; Sathyanarayana [General Secretary Postal Accounts]; P.Panduranga Rao [General Secretary GDS (NFPE)]; Appanraj [General Secretary SBCO]; Mohan [General Secretary Casual labour]; Com.K.K.Sharma Vice President of NFPE R.N.Parashar [Assistant Secretary General NFPE]; R.Seethalakshmi [Assistant Secretary General]; S.Ragupathy [Assistant Secretary General NFPE]; S.K.humayun [President P4]; Samir Bardhan [President R3]; Bijoy Gopal Sur [President GDS(NFPE)]; Y.Nagabhushanum [Working President Casual Labour]; Balwinder Singh [Finance Secretary P3]; C.P.Shobana [Chair Person Confederation Mahila Committee]; Amaresh Thakur [Ex-General Secretary Postal Accounts] and others.
The All India Convention endorsed the decisions of the Confederation to launch a strike on 12.12.2012 to win the 15 Point Charter of Demands and called upon the entire rank and file of NFPEorganizations to take all organizational efforts for the total success of the strike action. Various decisions toorganize struggles.
GDS DHARNA ON 27.07.2012
A massive Dharna in which more than a thousand GDS employees and also from the regular employees organizations under the banner of the AIPEU GDS(NFPE) was held at Dr.Ambedkar Bhawan on 27th July, 2012. The Dharna was organised as per the decisions of the CWC of the GDS [NFPE] union to focus attention on a 32 Point Charter of Demands pertaining to GDS employees. The demands like 7th CPC going into the issues of GDS instead of any formation of a separate committee etc; grant of 50% DA with Basic Pay to GDS on par with the regular employees; Departmentalization of GDS by evolving a scheme; Ending the discrimination on Bonus Ceiling between the GDS and other employees; and many other demands were given effective focus in the Dharna.
Comrade Basudev Acharya senior Parliament Member addressed the Dharna and assured all support inside the Parliament to the cause of GDS and advised the leadership to prepare a comprehensive memorandum on the important GDS problems and submit it to the Honourable Speaker of Parliament. He assured that there will be serious follow up action by him with the Speaker.
Comrade R.N.Parashar Assistant Secretary General NFPE anchored the proceedings of the Dharna. Comrade P.Panduranga Rao General Secretary GDS(NFPE) elaborately spoke on all the demands of the GDS Charter and called upon the GDS all over the country to get prepared for greater movement and struggle under the guidance of the mighty National Federation of Postal Employees. Comrade M.Krishnan [Secretary General NFPE] who declared that the NFPE will not rest until the basic problems of GDS are fully sorted out and that there will be greater struggles of united postal employees’ movement in this regard in future.  Comrade S.K.Vyas [President Confederation] assured total support to the GDS(NFPE) Union and assured that the Confederation will seriously take up the issue to include the GDS wage review by the 7thCPC itself. Comrade K.Ragavendran [Working President Confederation] traced the developments like disruption of a united joint movement of Postal Employees that contributed to the failures of major issues of GDS including permitting the Nataraja Murthy Committee and the consequential negative recommendations implemented on the GDS. Comrade K.V.Sridharan [Ex-General Secretary P3] spoke in detail about the ways and means of departmentalization of GDS. Comrade K.P.Rajagopal [Secretary General ITEF]; VAN Namboodiri President BSNLEU; R.Sivannarayana [General Secretary P3]; Ishwar Singh Dabas [General Secretary P4]; Giriraj Singh [General Secretary R3]; Pranab Bhattacharjee [General Secretary Admn]; Sathyanarayana [General Secretary Postal Accounts]; Bijoy Gopal Sur [President GDS (NFPE)]; Y.Nagabhushanam [Working President Casual labour] and other leaders spoke extending total support to the cause of GDS.
All appreciated the role of the newly formed GDS (NFPE) Union in taking up the agitational path as soon as its formation. The participation of all regular employees’ organisations in the GDS Dharna enthused all the GDS participants. NFPE Headquarters stresses once again that in line with the decision of the NFPE Secretariat to accord ‘Associate Membership’ to the AIPEU GDS(NFPE) Union and the Central Working Committee Meetings of both P3 and P4 resolving to strengthen the newly formed GDS (NFPE) Union at all circles by extending total cooperation and help in building that union, all should on priority basis take up this task also to complete the formation of this GDS (NFPE) Union within a period of two months to facilitate emerging as the ‘First Union’ in the Postal Services.
Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers has decided for one day strike on 12.12.12 and NFPE in its Federal Secretariat has endorsed the decision of confederation.
            Campaign programme for preparation of strike from Confederation and NFPE will be sent separately.
All are requested to start preparations for strike.
            Financial position of NFPE is going to be weak day by day as most of the branches are not remitting due quota and subscription of Postal Crusader. All General Secretaries All India Office bearers, Circle,Divisional and Branch Secretaries are requested to cause full remittance of quota and Postal Crusader subscription so that NFPE HQ may function effectively and efficiently to serve the membership to the maximum extent.
            With revolutionary greetings

                                                                                                                          (M. Krishnan)
                                                                                                                   Secretary General


Department of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has observed that issues relating to CGHS Matters are referred by various Ministries and Departments to Department of Health in a routine manner which could have been settled at the CGHS beneficiary’s own Ministry or Department.  Hence, it is informed by Department of Health and Family Welfare that cases related to CGHS matters are to be examined thoroughly as per the CGHS guidelines and instructions and clarification on CGHS policy matter or relaxation of rules is required, the administrative Ministry/Department may refer the case to Department of Health and family welfare with specific recommendation of Joint Secretary/Head of Department with justification along with all supporting documents.

The Office Memorandum dated 27.06.2012 issued in this regard is as follows.

Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi 110 108
No.S.11011/1/2012-CGHS (P)
Dated the 27th June, 2012


Sub: Guidelines to be followed by Ministries/Departments while referring cases to Ministry of    Health & Family Welfare on CGHS matters — reg.

Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) was introduced in 1954 to provide comprehensive medical care for serving/retired Central Government employees and their family members. Instructions have been issued from time to time to regulate this medical facility to ensure that Ministries and Departments of Government of India including the CGHS beneficiaries have a clear idea on different aspects of CGHS.

2. Various instructions on eligibility, dependency, CGHS contributions, issue of CGHS cards, medical advance, settlement of medical claims and medical facilities provided under CGHS have been issued. These instructions are by no means exhaustive but an effort has been made to ensure that most cases are settled at the beneficiary’s own Ministry / Department.

3. Despite issuing a number of guidelines on settlement of reimbursement claims and delegation of powers for referral and approval cases, it has been observed that cases are being referred to this Ministry in a routine manner without adequate examination. Instances of cases have come to notice where despite the lack of documentary evidence, cases have been recommended and referred to this Ministry for examination, with or without the approval of the concerned Joint Secretary/Head of Department.

4. In such cases, it becomes difficult to examine the legitimacy of the claims and much time and effort is spent in collating and verifying the facts of the case.  Accordingly, it is impressed upon all the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India to ensure that cases are examined thoroughly as per the CGHS guidelines and instructions. If any clarification on CGHS policy matter/relaxation of rules is required, the Administrative Ministry / Department may, if they are satisfied with the justification/merit of the case, refer it to this Ministry with the specific recommendation of the concerned Joint Secretary /Head of Department along with all supporting documents.

5. This issues with the approval of Additional Secretary & Director General (CGHS).

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India


Directorate General of CGHS has favourably considered the representations of CGHS beneficiaries residing in NCR towns of Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon and Faridabad to make available the life saving medicines and anti cancer medicines at the CGHS Wellness Center itself. Until now, these medicines are to be obtained only from Medical Store Depot (MSD), Gole Market, New Delhi. The full text of the Office Memorandum F.No: 1-32/2012-13/CGHS/MSD/IMP dated 24.07.2012 issued in this regard is as follows.

No: F.No. 1-32/2012-13/CGHS/MSD/IMP
Dated the 24th July, 2012


Subject: Distribution of Life Saving Medicines/Anti Cancer Medicines to CGHS beneficiaries in NCR towns at Wellness Center level.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to state that the Ministry has been receiving requests from CGHS beneficiaries residing in the NCR towns of NOIDA, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon and Faridabad, for providing the delivery of life saving medicines/anti cancer medicines at the CGHS Wellness Centre level as against the present system in which these are provided at the Medical Store Depot (MSD). Gole Market, New Delhi. In view of the hardships faced by the CGHS beneficiaries in collecting the above medicines, it has been considered sympathetically by the Ministry and it has now been decided to arrange delivery of the life saving drugs and anti cancer drugs to the CGHS beneficiaries in the above cities at the CGHS Wellness Centre level.
The life saving medicines and anti cancer medicines will be delivered at the Wellness Centre by the supplier between 11AM to 1 PM on third day of placing the indent. The beneficiaries can collect their indented medicines from the Wellness Centre accordingly. In case of emergency they can also collect medicines from Medical Store Depot (MSD), Gole Market, New Delhi, itself on the next working day after due confirmation from the Medical Store Depot(MSD).
(V.P .Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India


CIRCULAR NO.13/2012 DATED:  29TH JULY, 2012

All National Sectt. Members:

Dear Comrade,
                                        Kindly recall the discussions we had at our meeting held at the CHQ on 25th.  For paucity of time, we could not carry out the discussion for finalising the campaign programme on that day.  The house said that another meeting after the 26th programme might be convened to finalise the campaign programme for the impending strike action.  Most of the Comrades expressed the difficulty in undertaking another visit to Delhi in the month of August, 2012.  Taking into account that the strike action is slated for 12th December, 2012, and hardly four months are at our disposal and in view of the fact that October and November being festival months, we propose the following programme for your consideration.  Your views in the matter may please be communicated to the CHQ through e-mail latest by 10th August, 2012.  We are to deploy the Sectt. Members to different States.  The Secretary General will intimate the final decision after the feed back on 10th August, 2012.   Kindly ensure that you send in your views well before 9th August, 2012.


Details of the Programme Schedule
Campaign programme in September, 2012
11, 12 and 13; 18, 19 and 20th  and 25, 26 and 27September:  The proposal is that a team of Sectt members will be in charge of the  States indicated in the Annexure.  The group of dates indicated will be chosen by them to finalize the programme in consultation with the concerned State Committee.  The State Convention will be held on the last date of the group of Date and the two dates prior to the State Convention will be used for the purpose of office wise meeting in which the National Sectt. Members will participate.
1st to 12th October 2012
In the same manner as indicated above, district level convention and meetings will be held.  The State Committee of  Confederation Office Bearers and Circle Secretaries of affiliates will participate in those meetings/conventions. The State Committees can explore the possibility of Vehicle jathas to cover important stations of the states.
19th November 2012
Mass Deputation and Serving Strike Notice to the respective heads of Departments/Office as the case may be.  At the National level, the notice will be served on the Cabinet Secretary.
20,21,22 and 23rd Nov. 2012
Relay evening Dharna for three hours (between 17 hours and 21 hours) at a common place to be organised by the Confederation State Committee with the participation of all affiliated organizations.
11th Dec. 2012
Lunch hour /evening massive demonstration in front of respective offices for mobilizing the employees for the strike the next day.
12th Dec. 2012
The one day token Strike.

                Kindly indicate the changes you wish to make this programme and inform the undersigned as quickly as possible. 

                With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General


List of comrades deployed for the purpose of the Campaign.
S.No.     Name of the Comrades                                      States to be covered
1.            S.K. Vyas and P. Suresh                                   Rajasthan & Madhya Pradesh
2.            K. Ragavendran & Mani Achari                        Tamilnadu & Chhattisgarh
3.            K.V. Sreedharan & M. Krishnan                       Kerala & North Eastern States
4.            K.P. Rajagopal & I.S. Dabas                             Bihar & West Bengal
5.            N. Somayya & M.Durai Pandian.                      Karnataka
6.            K.K.N.Kutty & Narasimhan.                              Andhra Pradesh and Delhi.
7.            Giri Raj Singh & V. Bhattacharya                     Punjab, Haryana & J&K.
8.            M.S.Raja & A.K. Kanojia                                   U.P. and Uttarakhand.
9.            Ashok B Salunkhe & Jayaraj.                          Gujarat & Maharashtra
10.          Pijush Roy and Nageswar Rao                         Orissa & Jharkhand


Manihsinath Bhawan,
A/2/95 Rajouri Garden,
New Delhi. 110 027
Dated: 28th July, 2012
E mail:
            The Controller General of Accounts,
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure
Lok Nayak Bhawan
New Delhi.. 110 002
Dear Sir,

Sub:    Disbursement of Salary to Central Government employees working in the State of Kerala on 25th August, 2012 on Account of Onam Festival.
            Onam is the State festival of Kerala.  The Festival commences on 21st August, and culminates on 29th August, 2012.  This is also a social festival and is celebrated by one and all.  It had been the normal practice to draw and disburse the salary of the employees in the month in which the festival falls well prior to the commencement of the festival.

            We shall be grateful if orders are issued to all Departments to disburse the salary for the month of August, 2012 by 20th August,2012 in respect of all officials working in the State of Kerala including the Pensioners. While orders were issued last year, the pensioners were not covered in the said order with the result the matter had to be taken up by at the last moment.  . A copy of the order issued by your office on 25th August 2009 in this matter is enclosed for ready reference.
            Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
K.K.N. Kutty.
Secretary General.

Copy to the Joint Secretary (Per), Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, North Block, New Delhi.

Copy of Order in No. V. 16011/CTR/41/MF-CGA/122, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, Controller General of Accounts, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi. Dated 25th August, 2009.


Subject:          Disbursement of salary/wages to the Central Government employees in the State of Kerala for the month of August, 09 on account of ONAM festival.

            In view of the ONAM festival, the Government have decided that the salary of all Central Government employees in the State of Kerala for the month of August,09 may be drawn and disbursed by the Central Government offices (including Defence, Posts and Telecommunications) on 28th August, 09

            The salary/wages so disbursed are to be treated as advance payments and will be subject to adjustment after the full month’s salary/wages of each employee is determined.  The adjustment, if any, will be made without exception from the salary/wages as the case may be from the month of September, 2009.

            The concerned Ministries/Departments are requested to bring these instructions to the notice of their offices located in the State of Kerala for necessary action immediately.
(Vibha Pandey)
Jt. Controller  General of Accounts.
All Ministries/Departments of Government of India. 


Dear Comrades


                The National Sect. of the Confederation places on record its appreciation and gratitude for the tireless efforts of the State Committees and the affiliates in making the programme of 26th July, 2012, i.e. the March to Parliament a grand success.  The gathering at Jantar Mantal  had been magnificent and far higher than our expectation.  As per the initial information supplied to us, every State has strived to mobilize maximum number of comrades to participate in the programme so as also was the endeavor of the affiliates.  More than 20,000 comrades converged at the Parliament Street with placards, banners, flags and wearing different colour caps. We anticipated quite an amount of difficulties and problems on 26th due to the decisions taken by the “Anna Hazare Committee against corruption”  to organize indefinite dharna/fasting programme at the same venue.  At the last minute, the Police authorities had to shift the spot at Jantar Mantar where we were to commence the procession.  We could not get sufficient time to convey the changes made to our comrades, who had already started from different stations.

            We also note with satisfaction that the leaders who had been entrusted to undertake the country wide campaign programme had done so with dedication and sincerity.  As per the report we have at the CHQ, the campaign programme as chalked out had been carried out in all places except in Madhya Pradesh. The inability of the MP State Committee due to some unavoidable reasons had its adverse impact on mobilization of the comrades from that State. Similarly, we have been informed that the expected number of comrades had not reached from the North West Region, especially Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir.  Perhaps, we might have placed the target for these states unrealistically.

The procession commenced at 11.30 AM and the first contingent reached the rallying point at 12.15 PM.  The meeting commenced immediately thereafter.  Com. President, Working President and the Secretary General, National Federation of Postal Employees on behalf of the Confederation addressed the gathering.  Com. Tapan Sen, Secretary General, CITU, Com, Amarjeet Kaur, Secretary AITUC, Com. Basudeb  Acharya, MP and leader of the CPI(M) in the Parliament were the other speakers.  The Secretary General while concluding the programme conveyed the decisions of the National Secretariat to go in for a serious campaign programme in the form of Mass Dharna, Demonstrations, Rally before the Governor’s house etc.  He also declared that the Central Government employees under the banner of the Confederation will be on a day’s strike on 12th December, 2012. (12.12.12). Our next step must be to draw inspiration from the success of our March to Parliament programme and advance our movement to the impending strike action to create sufficient sanctions so that the Government will announce the setting up of the 7th CPC  and hold meaningful negotiation for the settlement of the other demands in the charter. The National Secretariat will meet in the first week of August, 2012.  Notice is being issued separately.  All Sectt. , members are requested to attend the meeting.

                We have published quite a number of photos of the rally in our Website.  The Press Statement issued   on 27th along with the copy of the Memorandum to the Prime Minister has also been placed. Kindly use the explanatory memorandum for the intensive campaign you will have to undertake for the strike action.


                The joint Committee set up by the National Anomaly Committee to consider the MACP related issues met on 27th July, 2012.  The Staff Side was represented at the meeting by the following comrades:

Com. M. Raghaviah
Com. Umraomal Purohit
Com. S.K. Vyas
Com. C. Srikumar
Com. K.K.N. Kutty
Com. Shivgopal Misra
Com. Bhosle

The report prepared by the sub-committee after three rounds of discussions was reviewed at the meeting.  The points that came up for discussion and the decisions taken are as under:

Grant of MACP in the promotional hierarchy:  The Staff Side pointed out that the ACP which was in vogue till the advent of MACP had been on promotional hierarchy.  In the name of improvement of the scheme, the Government cannot unilaterally change it, especially when the concerned employees do not consider it as advantageous.  They suggested that the employees must be allowed to retain the ACP for the first two promotions and for the third promotion MACP can be extended.  However, the Official Side said that it would not be possible to have any hybrid scheme.  In fact, they added that the 6th CPC had suggested for two career progressions only and that too on grade pay hierarchy.  The govt. had improved upon and therefore it was not possible for them to agree for the suggestion of the Staff Side.  They also stated that the reason for bringing about grade pay hierarchy was to bring about uniformity in the scheme across the Departments as the promotional hierarchy varies from one department to another.  They declined to consider the suggestion for promotional hierarchy based MACP.

The Staff Side then pointed that in the last meeting of the Committee, the Official Side taking into account the difficulties and disadvantages experienced by the employees in many departments which were presented by the Staff Side had agreed to consider department wise/cadre wise options.  The Staff Side further pointed out that the suggestion of the Official Side would not go to resolve the issue.  They said that option must be provide for each individual employee to choose either the ACP or MACP whichever is beneficial to him as is provided in the CCS(RP) Rules.  The unilateral withdrawal of a benefit from an employee is not permissible.  They also stated that the Official Side has not pointed out the difficulties in agreeing to this proposal.  After some discussions, the Official Side said that they would re-examine the issue of individual option and will come up with their considered view at the next meeting of the NAC.

 Counting 50% of service of the Temporary status/casual labourers for the purpose of MACP:  In the light of the discussion at the meeting, the Official Side agreed to examine the matter.

Treatment of employees selected under LDCE Scheme and GDCE Scheme:  The Official Side agreed to issue orders on the same lines as has been issued under the ACP Scheme.  The Staff Side stated that wherever examination is the criterion for promotion/fast track promotion, the service rendered by such employees in the lower post must be ignored and such promotion should be treated as appointment and the promotion scheme to commence from the date of such appointment.  This was not agreed to by the official side on the plea that such appointments are against promotion quota and therefore, they are to be considered as promotion only.  The Staff Side them pointed out that this issue had been the subject matter of judicial consideration before the Tribunal and the Tribunal has given the decision in favour of the employees.  The Official Side wanted a copy of the judgement to react to this.

Date of effect of the Scheme:  The Staff Side pointed out that the date of effect of MACP Scheme must be from 1.1.2006.  The analogy of the 5th CPC has no application as ACP was introduced after discussion with the Staff Side on a later date.  Since the Government issued the orders of the 6th CPC and the acceptance of the MACP with modification almost simultaneously, it should have been made effective from 1.1.2006.  They also pointed out that the MACP is not an allowance to be made application from 1.9.2008.  The Official Side pointed out that the benefit emanating from the MACP i.e. the third promotion was applicable to all existing employees who were in service after 1.9.2008.  The Staff Side demanded that the benefit has been denied to those who retired between 1.1.2006 and 30.8.2008.  The Official Side agreed to consider application of the new MACP with effect from 1.1.2006 for those who retired/died between 1.1.2006 and 30.8.2008.

 Financial up-gradation under MACP in the case of staff who join another unit/organization on request.  It was agreed at  the last meeting that the services rendered in another recruiting unit/organization will be taken into account for counting service for promotion under MACP.  The Staff Side however, pointed out that in many cases, the employees are compelled to seek reversion in order to be transferred to another recruiting unit.  In their case, the promotion so earned at the present recruiting unit and which have been foregone is being counted as one promotion under MACP.  The Official Side agreed to look into this matter and issue necessary clarificatory orders.

 Stepping up of pay of senior incumbent with the junior as a consequence of ACP/MACP.  The Official Side stated that in the light of the judgments delivered in the matter they will have the case looked into and necessary instructions issued.  They also stated that certain instructions in the matter has already been issued, copy of which will be made available to the Staff Side.         

 The bench mark question for promotion under MACP.  The Official Side agreed to issue a clarificatory order stating that if the promotion is on seniority cum fitness basis, MACP will also be on seniority cum fitness basis.

           There had been no discussions on other points incorporated in the report. The stand taken by the Official side in those matters remains unchanged. You may kindly access the report from the website of the Department of Personnel along with the relevant orders.

With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General

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