Wednesday 28 March 2012



1.       NAME :- The union is a combination of Casual, part time Contingent and Contract workers employed in Department of Post and it shall be called the All India Postal Casual, Part time contingent & contract workers federation and it is referred to in these as the union.

2.        Head Quarters :- The Head Quarters of the Union shall be Delhi and situated for the present at North Avenue Po Building New – Delhi.

3.       Objects :- The Union shall strive to improve and ameliorate the condition of its members and the safeguard their interests by negotiation with their employers and only in last resort by strikes.  It shall provided its funds permit and General Body or the members approved of
(a)    Undertake prosecution of defense of any legal proceeding to which any of its members  may be a party for the purpose and General Body of the members approved of
(b)   Conduct a Trade dispute on behalf of member
(c)    Compensate a member for loss ansing out of a trade dispute
(d)   Pay allowance to a member for his dependents on account of death, old age, sickness, accident of unemployment of the member
(e)   Issue or undertake liability under policies of assurance on the life as a member of policies insuring a member against sickness, accident or unemployment and
(f)     Start for members a library, a night schools, a club, an institution for the medical treatment, free supply of medicines and a benefit providing financial assistant.

4.       Organization  :-  The Union shale have All India, Circle, Divisional Branches.  Divisional Branch Will be Primary Unit of Union to Participate in All India, Circle (State) Conflations  Divisional Union will be farmed with at least 10 Members working in any Category Mentioned   in the name of the Union in the Division  
N.B. – The term ‘member’ wherever it occurs in these rules unless, the context suggests a deferent meanings, means an ordinary members.

5.        Rate of subscription & Quota : Rate of subscription as mentioned in article 4 (Rupees Hundred thus collected shall be allocated every Year the following manger :
Central Union (CHQ) : 30
Circle (State) Union 40
Divisional Union : 30
However, the Divisional  Conference can decide to collect monthly contribution or, any  extra collection to Divisional Union from every members for general purpose or any particular purpose.

The subscription as well contribution to Divisional Union if any paid by each member by the end of March and the Treasurer of Local Branch shall make arrangements for collection of the same from members falling in the respective unit.  Quota for the Year shall become  due by the 30th April Every Year shall be remitted by the Divisional Union by 30th May Every Year .  The All India Union shall notify the arrears of each Division by 30th May Directly with Intimations to circle Union and also two months Before the All India Conference.  Circle Union also do the same.  Those Divisions not paid quota will not be allowed in circle/ All India Conference unless they clear Quota at least one day before Conference.

6.       Disciplinary Actions : (a) Removal of Member of the union can be removed from the rolls of the union for anti-union activity, corruption, immoral activity or anti-national activity or non-payment of subscriptions only by the concerned General Body at the Local Level with two-third majority of members present in such meeting.  Such removal of any member who is an office bearer of the Union at a higher level shall come into effect only after ratification by the respective committee of which he/she is a member.  The member against whom such action is proposed shall be provided adequate opportunity to explain his conducts.

(b) Other Disciplinary  Actions :  The Executive Committee at the respective level shall have the power to suspend for a specified period or censure any of its members for indiscipline by a simple majority.
( c) Appeal : Appeal against any disciplinary action shall lie to the next higher level committee. Any appeal received by such committee after a period of fifteen days shall not be considered. Final authority to dispose of the appeal, if received by it, shall be the Central Executive Committee
(d) Members who have been expelled for non-payment of subscription etc, are eligible for re-admission on payment of all arrears, however, no fine shall be imposed

7.       Membership Register : The Divisional Union shall maintain a register of members name, age, address, occupation and such other particulars as may considered necessary concerning each member including a ordinary member shall be recorded therein. The register shall open to inspecting by any office – bearer of member on any day during the normal office hours.

8.       Honorary Member :- Persons not eligible for admission an ordinary member under rule 4 (four) may be admitted as an honorary member to serve on the Executive Committee of Union by their number shall not at any time exceed one third of the total number of the members of Executive Committee.
Subject to contrary decision of General Meeting no honorary member shall enjoy any rights of an ordinary member not shall be entitled to any benefits to which an ordinary members will be entitled under these rules.

9.        Executive Committee: Subject to the control of General Body of members the administration of all affairs of the union shall be carried on by the Executive Committee consists in of not less than 15 members.  All office bearers and Executive members’ hall be elected at the Annual General meeting of the Union shall, unless member of the Executive Committee shall be above the age of 18 Years and removed by death, registration, found incompetent or hostile to the interest of the Union. Hold office until the next election. One-half members of the Executive Committee will form the quorum of the meeting.  Casual vacancies will be filled up by the members of the union co-opted in the Executive meeting. Secretary or in the absence of secretary, one of the Asst.  Secretaries of the  union will convene the meeting of the Executive Committee with the notice as mention in the clause 7.1 Member and office – hearers found incompetent or hostile to the interest of the union shall be removed by a decision of the General Body Meeting in case of Divisional Branch level.   And Executive Meeting of All India Circle Level as the case may be .  the Circle Executive Comity shall meet at least once in between two Circle (state) Conferences. Circle (state) Secretariat  consisting of office-bearers stationed in and around Head Quarters at any particular time shall meet as and when necessary.

10.    Notice for the Executive Meeting :i) Central (All India ) Executive : One Month
ii) Circle (State) Executive : 14 days
iii) Divisional Executive : 7 days
iv) Emergent Central Executive : 7 days
v) Emergent  Circle Executive : 3 days
vi) Emergent Divisional Executive : 24 hours

11.    Funds : The Union shall have a general  fund which shall include  all  incomes form contribution from members. Donations and other miscellaneous sources.  All expenses of union save those incurred for political purpose certified in the section 16 of the Trade Union Act 1926, including salaries and allowances to Office –bearers, pay of establishment and provisions of benefits financial and of other kinds shall be met from the general Fund.  In the case of a doubt whether a particular expense of  expenses can be lawfully incurred and paid from the general Fund the matter shall be referred to the registrar of trade Union and the union shall abide by the decision .

12.   Safe Custody of General Funds : all money belonging to the union All moneys belonging to the union have those immediately required not exceeding to Rs. 1000/- Divisional Branch, Rs. 3000/- at Circle Branch and Rs. 5000/- at All India level shall be deposited in a Bank of good standing or shall be invested in same approved securities or shall be partly deposited and partly invested .  When Bank Account is opened, the President Secretary, Treasurer are in their absence any tow representatives of the union authorized by the Executive Committee shall jointly make and, be responsible for all   transaction of the Account.

13.   Annual Return and Annual Audit: - Authorized Members as take above either Secretary are treasurer of union shall arrange and  shall be responsible for proper maintenance of the different books and registers. The account books shall be opened to inspection to Office bearers and members during the normal office hours of the union.  The account shall be audited every year after the 31st December  in the manner prescribed by the Trade Union Regulation, 1927 and the executive committee shall thereafter arrange for th preparation and submission to registrar of trade Union Regulations, 1927 of the Annual Return prescribed under section 28 of the trade union Act. 1927

13. All India Conference :- The All India Conference consists of central Office Bearers, central Executive Committee members and the delegates elected in the respective  Divisional Conference or in the special Divisional General body Convened for the purpose.  The paid up membership of the  Division shall be determined on the basis of quota received by the central Union from all the Divisional branches of the concerned State during the two financial years preceding the conference.  In case the membership of the Divisional is less than   Fifty it shall elect one delegate.  In case the membership of the Divisional is Fifty or more it shall elect delegates at  the ratio of one delegate for every Fifty or part thereof. Provided the part there of is Twenty or more

14.   Duties of All India Conference :
a)      To elect the following :
1.       One president
2.       Six vice presidents
3.       One Secretary general
4.       Five Assistant General Secretary
5.       One treasurer
6.       One Asst.  Treasurer
7.       Organizing Secretary as for Requirement decided by the Conference
b)      To Consider and adopt biennial Report and Accounts
c)       To nominate the Auditor.
d)      To consider any other item notified

15.  Circle Conference :
Composition : The Circle (state) Conference shall be composed by the Circle Office-bearers elected by the previous Conference,  the Divisional Secretaries, who  shall be  ex-officio members and the delegates elected by Divisional Branch at the ratio of one delegate for every 20 or part thereof, the Circle (state) Conference shall be held once in two Years.

 Duties of Circle  Conference :
e)      To elect the following :
1.       One president
2.       Six vice presidents
3.       One Circle  Secretary
4.       Five Assistant Circle Secretary
5.       One treasurer
6.       One Asst.  Treasurer
7.       Organizing Secretary as for Requirement decided by the Conference
8.       To Consider and adopt biennial Report and Accounts
9.       To nominate the Auditor.
10.   To consider any other item notified

17.          Divisional Branch Conference :-
(a) it shall be held every two years and all the members shall elect the following office bearers :
1.       One president
2.       Six vice presidents
3.       One Divisional   Secretary
4.       Five Assistant Divisional Secretary
5.       One treasurer
6.       One Asst.  Treasurer
7.       Organizing Secretary as for Requirement decided by the Conference
8.       To Consider and adopt biennial Report and Accounts
9.       To nominate the Auditor.
10.   To consider any other item notified

18.           Biennial General Meeting :- There  will be Biennial General meeting or may be called the Conference of the Central, Circle (state) Divisional Level within three months on completion of duration. The Quorum of this shall be as specified in the Clause no . 12.8( a) Voting at the meeting may be ether by bailer or by show of hands.  All decisions elections shall be decided by majority or votes. The meeting shall dispose of all matters affecting the General Body of the members including.
(i) Forum of the policy and programmed of the Union
(ii) Appointment of the office-bearers
(iii) Annual General Meeting Conference shall be called by the Secretary or in his absence by the Assistant Secretaries of the union with the notice as specified in the clause no 12.8

(b) General Body: General Body will be held at divisional level as and when required with a notice of 7 days or 24 hours in Emergency to discuss any items.  The Quorum for the Meeting will be 1/5th of the member ship of the Division

19. Quorum
i) All India Conference :-  1/5th of the  Representatives as for the Quota Received
ii) Circle Conference :-   1/5th  of the  delegates elected by the Divisional Branches at the Ratio of one delegate for every 20 members
iii) Divisional Branch :- 1/5th of the General Members
iv) No Quorum is required for the meeting post phoned for want of Quorum

20. Notice :-
i) All India Conference : One Month
ii) Circle Conference : 21 Days
iii) Divisional Conference : 14 days

21. Strike :- Strike of work shall be declared by the union only after failure of negotiations  and agitation programmes  and also along with other trade unions on the general issues of working class. The strike shall be declared after observing the relevant provisions of industrial disputes Act. 1947.

22. Amendment of the Constitution : Any rule or rules of the union may be amended, varied or rescinded by the decision of the All India  Annual General General/conference. A notice of the change or changes made in the rules shall be sent to the Registrar of Trade within fourteen days from the date of the conference to which the change or changes have been decided upon and change or changes shall not effect until the same have been registered and a certificate of registration have obtained from the Registrar of Trade Union/

23. Dissolutions :- The Union shall not be dissolved except by the decision of the All India Conference specially called for the purpose.  The quorum of the specially conference shall be two- third of the delegates for the time being.  The meeting shall be also decide in what manner the funds of the Union after dissolutions if any shall be dispose of after the meeting dissolving the Union put within fourteen days from the date thereof, these shall be sent to the Register of Trade Union, a notice of dissolution in the prescribed from and the dissolution shall not have effect until the same has been accepted by the Registrar of Trade Unions.

C.C. PILLAI                                           Y. NAGABHUSHANAM                                       M. MOHAN
President  :                                          Working President                                        General Secretary                                          

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