Formation of All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association and NFPE support
Formation of All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association
The Department of Posts is one of the largest Central Government Departments next to Railways and Defence and the strength of Pensioners of Postal Department is also one of the biggest in the country. NFPE in its 9th Federal Council had resolved to extend full support and solidarity to the efforts of mobilizing the entirety of Pensioners of Postal Department, especially in the specific background of very serious attacks on Pension and Social Security of all Pensioners and Government Employees under LPG policies of Central Government. We also note with concern that despite the existence and functioning of different Pensioners’ Organizations in the country, more than 80% of Postal Pensioners remain unorganized.
This weakness has to be eliminated in order to combat the attacks on Pension and Social Security. Mobilization of all Pensioners of Postal and RMS disregarding their union affiliations in the past is the need of the hour.
In this background, the National Federation of Postal Employees extends all support to the endeavor of mobilizing the entirety of Pensioners of the Department of Posts in the country by our retired Comrades, who have served in various capacities in the Postal Unions in the past.
The name of the new Organization will be All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association.
A Steering Committee formed by the senior retired comrades and headed by the under-mentioned comrades with the former Secretary General of NFPE Comrade K.Ragavendran as the General Convenor should be rendered all assistance and help by the entirety of NFPE Organizations at all levels in order to build a strong organization for the Postal Pensioners.
Steering Committee of All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association
Email ID:
Chairman: Com. D.K.Rahate [Former President NFPE] [Mobile: 09821031375]
Vice Chairman: Com. T.Narasimhan [Vice President Confederation][Mobile: 0940056969]
General Convener: Com. K.Ragavendran [Former Secretary General NFPE] [Mobile: 09444919295]
In order to complete the formation of the All India Association in a time bound manner, formation of the Circle level All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association and Division / District level Associations [District level or if feasible Divisional level according to local conditions] shall be completed before the 31st December, 2013. An All India Special Conference will be organized thereafter to complete the CHQ formation.
All are requested to extend total cooperation in the endeavor to build a strong organisation for the Pensioners of Postal Department.
Comradely Yours,
Secretary General NFPE

NFPE Study Camp of Northern Zone at Ghaziabad U.P
21-09-2013 TO 22-09-2013
The Study Camp of Northern Zone at Ghaziabad commenced successfully with the flag hoisting of National Flag by the General Secretary P4 and Deputy Secretary General NFPE Comrade Ishwar Singh Dabas on 21-09-20133. Large number of Delegates from U.P and Uttarakhand attended the Study Camp.
The Study Camp is organized at Aapka Bhawan in Ghaziabad by the Reception Committee in an excellent manner.
Senior leader of the Postal movement Comrade T.P.Misra presided over the Study Camp. Comrade R.N.Parashar Assistant Secretary General NFPE anchored the camp.
The Study Camp was inaugurated by Comrade S.K.Vyas a veteran leader of CG Employees Movement and the Patron of the Confederation of CG Employees.
Comrade M.S.Raja Secretary General Audit felicitated the Study Camp with his valuable address.
Classes were taken by the former Secretary General of NFPE Comrade K.Ragavendran on "Organization and our Tasks" with Power Point presentation and by the Secretary General NFPE Comrade M.Krishnanon the subject " Lessons of the past and the Task ahead of Postal Trade Union Movement".
A Seminar on "Future of India Post" was also organized in the Study Camp. The Director of Ghaziabad Postal Training College Mr. John Samuel delivered the key note address on the subject with a power point presentation. Many Officers of the Department also participated in the subsequent discussion and a detailed circular will be exhibited later.
The Reception Committee had organized Cultural Programmes also.
We are exhibiting some photographs about the inauguration day of the Study Camp.
NFPE Study Camp of Northern Zone |
Com.S.K.Vyas Patron Confederation inaugurating |
Com.M.S.Raja Secretary General Audit felicitating the Camp |
Participants in the Study Camp from U.P and Uttarakhand |
Senior leader Com.T.P.Misra presiding the Camp |
Director Ghaziabad Postal Training College Sri.John Samuel delivering key note address in the Seminar on "Future of India Post" |
Director Ghaziabad Postal Training College and Senior Officers on dais |
Secretary General NFPE and other leaders and Officers on dais while Director Mr.John Samuel presenting his key note address in the Seminar. |
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